Private Miscarriage Treatment
Miscarriage treatment with private gynaecologist in London
What is a miscarriage?
A miscarriage refers to the loss of a pregnancy within 23 weeks of becoming pregnant. The majority of miscarriages occur during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy where in many cases, women may not actually be aware that they are pregnant yet.
Miscarriages can cause abdominal cramps and vaginal bleeding. Because the symptoms are also normal early in pregnancy, they do not necessarily mean that you are having a miscarriage. Miscarriages can cause distress, for both women and their partners, and understanding the physical and mental effects of a miscarriage can help to deal with them.
Symptoms of miscarriage
Vaginal bleeding and abdominal cramps are the most common symptoms of miscarriage. Vaginal bleeding can vary in severity; from spotting to heavy bleeding for a period of several days. Tummy cramps from a miscarriage are typically more severe than the pain which is experienced during a period. The pain can also spread to the back and pelvis. In the case of a silent or delayed miscarriage, sometimes no symptoms are experienced. Some women only discover that they have had a miscarriage when going for a normal scan.
If you experience vaginal bleeding or abdominal cramps when pregnant, it is important to see your doctor. Severe symptoms mean you should seek medical help as soon as possible.
Diagnosing miscarriage
In assessing your condition, your doctor may ask you to take a pregnancy test. If you are pregnant, you may be referred to an Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (EPAU), depending on how many weeks you have been pregnant. Tests which can be used to check for a miscarriage include an ultrasound scan which can check for any tissue in the womb and blood tests which can check for levels of beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin, the pregnancy hormone.
Recurrent miscarriage
Three or more successive miscarriages are classed as recurrent miscarriages. These cases can necessitate blood tests to check for antibody levels which have the potential to affect a pregnancy, and evidence of blood clotting. Womb structure can be examined through ultrasound testing. Testing of the mother, baby, and sometimes partner may also be required in order to investigate the reason behind recurrent miscarriage. In some cases, there is no apparent reason for recurrent miscarriage.
Managing miscarriage (early and late)
In most cases, no surgical or medical treatment is needed for an early miscarriage. Although in some cases, treatments can be advised to speed up the natural process known as expectant management. These include; medicines which can quicken the miscarriage process – these often produce heavy bleeding and can cause side effects such as sickness; and surgery, such as a surgical removal or vacuum removal, to remove tissue from the womb.
Late miscarriages which occur in the 14 to 23 week period of pregnancy can require taking medicines to induce labour. Stomach cramps and bleeding is common after delivery and may last for several weeks.
If you have any questions about miscarriage, or the pregnancy care services offered at Ian Chilcott, call our team today on 020 7390 6200.